Yesterday, we added a new puppy to our family, a St. Bernard we named Mia!! We first met Mia when she was 3 weeks old and we just loved her. We were finally able to bring her home at 8 weeks and already, she's proven that she has a big personality!! She fits right in with our current crew of Molly and Mosa. She likes to play a lot and when she's not playing, she likes to sit on your foot or right next to you. It's funny to watch her run because her feet can't quite keep up with her yet so we've seen a few face plants...and yes, we laughed!! She's really cute and we're really proud and happy to have her here!! Introducing.....MIA!!!
TWINS!!!! I say that they look alike because they both have big heads!! HA HA!!!
Mama giving Mia some love!!!!
Our dog crew...Mosa, Molly, and Mia! It was so hard to get them to stay like this! Molly lays like this when she thinks she's in trouble. Her left paw ALWAYS comes up! Her's precious!!Although Mia has her own bed and own food bowl, she's become quite fond of Molly's bed. I'm sure Molly doesn't like that too much but I'm sure she enjoys the company!