Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Cochran Family and Will's 1st photo shoot (3 weeks)

Our friend, Nacole Bryant, was kind enough to take these precious pictures of our little Will. He's grown a lot since these pictures, as he's 9 weeks tomorrow and was about 3 weeks old in these pictures. But he's still as precious as ever! Jeremy and I are so blessed with our Will! He's brought so much joy into our lives and cannot begin to explain how much we love our little boy. He's definitely getting spoiled with a lot of love and a lot of attention. I mean, who wouldn't want to squeeze this little thing all day long!? :o) Enjoy...

The new Cochran family
KaaKaa's little cowboy

Little booty hangin out of a Bible! Cuteness!!

My two boys!! My world is complete.
Mommy loves her Will kisses!

Snug as a bug