He is on the left of the screen and facing to the right and a little forward. You can see his face good here. His eyes, of course, are closed, and then you can see his nose and mouth.
He is, again, to the left of the screen but is looking down. This is a profile shot. You can really see his nose here and can tell that it looks a lot like mine. Once you see his nose, you'll be able to tell the rest of his face.
This is another shot similar to the first one. He's to the left of the screen and looking to the right and a little forward.
Back to the 2D. This is a shot proving, once again, that he IS a boy!!
He's looking straight at you and his arm, as always, is at his head.
I tried to do my best to explain what the pictures are, and may have stated the obvious to some people but I've been told that Deddy can't tell what they are no matter what so I tried to be a little more obvious. ;o) Ha!! I hope you enjoyed seeing our precious little Will! We were excited to see his face!