Sunday, November 8, 2009
Will's Dedication
Today, we dedicated Will at church. We were 1 of many families to dedicate their babies. Will looked extra precious today in the outfit that Oma bought him, from head to shoes. We were so excited to have Oma and KaaKaa in town for a short visit to see this special occassion. We missed Uncle JR, Aunt KeithAnn, and cousin Beks but we all hope they are feeling better. It was really nice to have both sides of the family at church together, as well. Will has a lot of fans and a lot of people that love him! We love him too! Thanks, Aunt Tab, for taking pictures! And, of course, I was happy that my dear friend, Genevieve, came to sit with the family as well.
Waiting to walk across the stage and be announced
Walking across the stage and getting some love from Pastor Johnny
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Will's 1st Halloween and 1st Tooth
Will has reached 3 milestones within 2 weeks. He sat up 2 weeks ago, tomorrow, and has been sitting up all over the place. He's so strong! Then, he got on all 4's three times in a row in one night. He hasn't tried again but I'm trying to put him on his belly as much as possible. I'm kind of enjoying him sitting up. :o) Then, the 3rd milestone is his FIRST TOOTH!!! On Friday morning, I put my finger in his mouth for him to chew on, as I typically do, and I felt something a little sharp. I looked in his mouth and saw the tip of a tooth coming in. Later in the evening, I looked again and the whole top of the tooth had made its debut!! Will has had a pretty bad cold this week so I think his tooth may be part of the reason for his cold. Other part is...well, he's really just sick. I guess you could count his 1st cold as a milestone but a cold isn't really a good thing. Bless his heart!! Hopefully he'll get better soon! Here are some recent pictures of our little "monkey."
Trying to get a picture for his dedication next Sunday but he was too interested in the leaves and trying to eat them.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Photo Shoot and Precious WIll's New Toy
Recently, my friend, Genevieve, and I took a trip up to Jasper to a FABULOUS blue wall and wooden bridge for a photo shoot. Genevieve is dating a well-known photographer in Atlanta but she was gracious enough to stand in as a model for this amateur photographer. ;) We had such a fun evening chasing the sun and being the entertainment for all the traffic along this busy road. Genevieve was a doll though! (These photos are un-edited. Edited will go on my photography blog soon.)
And, Jeremy took out Will's swing from the garage and put it on a tree branch, now that he can sit up and can balance himself. We spent a couple of hours outside yesterday enjoying the weather and watching Will enjoy his new toy. And of course, Mommy HAD to take a million pictures.

And, Jeremy took out Will's swing from the garage and put it on a tree branch, now that he can sit up and can balance himself. We spent a couple of hours outside yesterday enjoying the weather and watching Will enjoy his new toy. And of course, Mommy HAD to take a million pictures.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Happenings
Will has been up to a lot these days!! He's learned to roll over from his back to his belly, he's learnING to roll over from his belly to his back, he's eating cereal and food, he's standing SO great, he's bouncing all over the place, and is laughing A LOT, especially at Mosa!! He's kicking his feet and getting up on his knees like he wants to crawl. He hasn't quite figured out his arms to crawl yet but he's getting there quickly!! He's already about 18lbs and is wearing 6+ month clothes while he's only 4 months old. He can still fit into some 3-6 months. And as I observed tonight, he's as long as Jeremy's torso, from head to toes. Here are some photos from recent Will events:
Mmm sweet potatoes!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Birthday T-Bone
Well, God does have a funny sense of humor. On my 27th birthday, I was t-boned and as you can see, my car took a beating. Other than the normal nerves of being in an accident and some low back pain, I'm ok. Thankfully, Will was not in the car with me. Good thing too because his carseat is now loose. I would've had a heart attack if he were in the car! Praise God he wasn't!! Here are some pictures. The other vehicle was a car so most of the impact was low. His car took a much bigger beating than mine did. Thankfully, we are both ok. Nothing like being in a wreck on your birthday. I'd forgotten my wallet in the baby bag that morning and didn't have my driver's license or insurance card. The police officer was nice enough to not give me a ticket since it was my birthday!! Thanks, Mr. Cop!!

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