Sunday, November 2, 2008

1 Year Anniversary Week...October 13th!!

Jeremy and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary on October 13th. We have officially been married for 1 year! It's hard to believe sometimes that time has gone by so quickly but then when I think of all that's happened in the past year, the timing seems just right. A lot has happened to us in 1 year! We got married, made a move back to Georgia, bought a house, made another move, got a new kitty, and now have a baby on the way! But if I didn't have so many changes in my life, I don't think I would know what to do with myself! These are a few pictures of our trip to the Atlanta Zoo and from the day of our anniversary...


There were lots of flamingos and they were funny to watch!
This bird was my friend!! He followed me and kept staring at me!

I was so excited to see the elephants!!

Check out those big paws!!

We think he was hungry because he kept pacing!

These guys were so cute!! They were about 5 feet in front of us.

This gorilla was hilarious!! He was such a poser!!

These two were playing and having a good time! They were all so funny!

This lady's hat was ridiculous!! There was a little girl with her and her husband that called them "Oma" and "Opa." We thought that was funny! But not quite as funny as this hat!

I was really excited to see the giraffes too!!

My first time to ever see a Rhino! So cool!!

These meerkats were funny! They reminded me of Mama!!

My hand-made 1st anniversary card!

My anniversary display I found on my nightstand when I woke up!



Top tier of our wedding cake exactly one year later! I was surprised that it still looked semi-intact after all the moves we made in the past year! This is before.

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