Saturday, November 22, 2008

Post-op Lo Lo Bean

Our kitty, Lo Lo Bean, had surgery early this week to have her front claws removed. She did well during the surgery and seems to be doing fine now too. I was surprised when I picked her up from the vet and she didn't have any bandages on! They gave me 2 days worth of pain medicine for her. She was acting normal and was jumping on things already. Sometimes she'll jump up on something and will have to take pressure off of one of her paws and will shake it a bit but other than that, she's fine. She's been sleeping a lot and being extra sweet, more so than she usually is. This is her new bed. She hasn't moved from this location in several days. Only time she moves is when I pick her up, when it's time to eat, and when it's time to go potty. Ahh, the life!

Sweet, but pitiful, Lo Lo Bean

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